Easter Sunday
8:00 AM08:00

Easter Sunday

To the world he seemed like a defeated man: opposed and killed by his enemies, his followers scattered in fear. Yet three days after Jesus' death he rose victorious from the dead. Nothing would ever be the same.

The rest of eternity is now a victory march for the risen Christ. During Easter, we should not think of ourselves as passive observers in Christ's victory. We are more than fans cheering for our favorite athlete! Rather, we are active participants in Christ's triumph. Just as his death was our death, so also his life is our life. Buried with Christ in baptism, our life is now hidden with him on high. The victory is ours, now and forever.

Easter is more than a day. It is an entire joyful season. The six solemn weeks of Lent are eclipsed by seven weeks of unbridled joy. These seven weeks correspond to the period of fifty days on the Jewish calendar between Passover and Pentecost. The Church reserves its highest praise for the Easter season.

We do not merely watch from the sidelines as Christ marches in victory over sin, death, Satan, and hell. We join in the festal procession! Join us on Easter Sunday - and be our guest afterward for breakfast and an egg hunt for the kids!

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Good Friday (Tenebrae)
7:00 PM19:00

Good Friday (Tenebrae)

Good Friday is very different than a funeral. At a funeral, we celebrate the blessings of someone's earthly life. But we also we mourn the fact of their death. Their death is something we wish we could forget. In the case of Jesus, his death is the very thing we gather to celebrate and remember. In fact, we prolong the remembrance. We dwell on the details. We even call this day "good." For we know why Jesus willingly endured the agony of the cross. It wasn't a tragic miscarriage of justice. Jesus suffered this punishment vicariously. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. Because he did, we are now right with our holy God. Jesus' punishment is our peace.

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Good Friday (Seven Words)
12:30 PM12:30

Good Friday (Seven Words)

Good Friday is very different than a funeral. At a funeral, we celebrate the blessings of someone's earthly life. But we also we mourn the fact of their death. Their death is something we wish we could forget. In the case of Jesus, his death is the very thing we gather to celebrate and remember. In fact, we prolong the remembrance. We dwell on the details. We even call this day "good." For we know why Jesus willingly endured the agony of the cross. It wasn't a tragic miscarriage of justice. Jesus suffered this punishment vicariously. He was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. Because he did, we are now right with our holy God. Jesus' punishment is our peace.

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Holy (Maundy) Thursday
7:00 PM19:00

Holy (Maundy) Thursday

As the sun set on Holy Thursday, the day marked the end of something old and the start of something new. The Old Covenant, which God had established through Moses, was two-sided. God's people would follow God's commands; God would bless his people. However, rather than providing God's people the opportunity to live up to God's demands, the Old Covenant only exposed their flaws. When God established his New Covenant, it was not a two-sided contract. It was more like a will, listing all the blessings God promised graciously to give his people. No matter who you are or what you have done, the blessing of the New Covenant are "for you." Eat the food Christ offers, and all your spiritual and eternal needs are satisfied.

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Christmas Eve Worship
3:00 PM15:00

Christmas Eve Worship

A baby is born every twelve seconds. That's 140 million babies born each year. Yet, there is something that sets this child apart from all others. It is not simply his humble beginnings, with a cattle trough as his first cradle. It is not just the miraculous nature of his birth, his mother being a virgin. There is so much more. This child is the only hope we have for peace and a future. This child can wipe away every tear, drive away every fear. Here is the truth of Christmas. With this child, you lack nothing. Without him, you have nothing. Curiosity, awe, and even faith can't help but wonder, "WHAT CHILD IS THIS?"

Join us this Christmas Eve at 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. to celebrate this child and discover the difference he came to make in our lives!

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Children's Christmas Service
6:30 PM18:30

Children's Christmas Service

Ripping open presents isn’t the only thing children love to do this time of year; they also love to sing! It makes for a beautiful service when we combine the tender voices of children with the cherished message of Christmas: that God so loved the world that he gave us his only Son, Jesus, as the greatest gift of all. Join us to hear the angelic voices of children proclaim that wonderful, joy-filled good news of Christmas!

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Fireside Carols and Hot Cocoa Bar
5:30 PM17:30

Fireside Carols and Hot Cocoa Bar

How can you possibly top the warm glow of a flickering fire while beloved Christmas music sweetly fills your ears? We think a hot cocoa bar might do the trick, and we invite you to help us find out! Please make plans to join us on Sunday evening, December 19, at 5:30 p.m. for a relaxing evening by the fire - complete with hot cocoa!

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1 Thing Matters Class
10:15 AM10:15

1 Thing Matters Class

What really matters in life? Health? Friendships? Family? Money? We give these things much of our attention, and rightfully so – they’re very important to us! But... are they what matter most? What matters most is where one stands with God. How can we know? He tells us in the Bible. On Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m., we journey through the Scriptures in 1 Thing Matters. Come by yourself or bring a friend. Discover – or rediscover – what God has done for you that matters most. Please register here.

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"Summer Vocation" series
9:00 AM09:00

"Summer Vocation" series

God calls everyone to various roles in life. As a matter of fact, everyone from young to old has multiple roles. He gifts us in unique ways to carry out those roles. In each of these roles he connects us to other unique people we can love and serve. So, who are you? Who are the people God has placed in your life? How can you glorify God as you carry out your unique role - caring for others even as others care for you?

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